And you're done!

This is all you need to do to get your SharePoint lists exported as normalised tables into your SQL Server database.

Click "Finish" to save your changes and start the SQList Service.

When the SQList Service is started, SQList Manager switches to the "Service Status" tab, from where you can monitor the correct functioning of SQList. If there are errors,they will be displayed in the "Event Viewer" window.

You can also use the "Table Status" tab to send us an "Event Report" in case you are getting errors that you cannot resolve. When we receive an Event Report we get back to you as soon as possible.

And that is it. You can now take a look at your SQL database and see the tables being created and populated by SQList.

Note that you do not need to keep SQList Manager open for the replication to continue as that is done by the SQList Service in the background.