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AxioWorks Newsletter April 2022: Still working on the next release of SQList…

Hello Reader,

Welcome to another exciting issue of our monthly Newsletter!

Each month, we try our best to bring to you content that is relevant and beneficial for you. So, if you would like us to cover any specific SQList feature or if you want to learn more about any SharePoint feature then please do let us know.

What has AxioWorks been up to?

We’ll be frank, we do not have any great news to report this month. Disappointing, we know, but the truth of the matter is that the new version of SQList (ver. 7.3) and SQList Online are taking longer than we had planned and most of our resources.

We now moved the release date to late May/early June, with a release of a beta version a couple of weeks before that. But… It’ll be worth the wait, we can promise that.

Do you have 5 minutes? If you do, please leave a review of SQList on Capterra.

Focus blog entry: What’s coming in Power Platform Release wave one of 2022

With the Emergence of Low Code to No-Code development platforms, developers have been ever so busy developing solutions utilizing those platforms and Power Platform is leading the way in the space of Microsoft O365 and Dynamics 365. Power Platform enables high-speed development of a solution that fulfils business requirements which means the developers can shift their focus towards planning on how the developed solutions are efficiently managed and can be easily deployed in various environments.

Read all about it in this month’s article: What’s coming in Power Platform Release wave one of 2022.

SQList feature of the month: Force re-sync of SQL Server Table when the SharePoint List’s structure changes

When a new column is added to a SharePoint List, SQList automatically adds it to the corresponding SQL Table as part of the continuous synchronisation; however, it doesn’t fill in the new column value for existing rows by default.

This is fine in most cases, as new columns are usually empty by default, but if the new column has a default value or is a calculated column, you will probably want to have existing rows populated with the default values. You can change the default behaviour by enabling the “Force data re-sync on list structure change” which will instruct SQList to re-synchronise existing data when the structure of the corresponding list changes.

If you want to know more about this feature, check out this video: Force re-sync of SQL Server Table when the SharePoint List’s structure changes

Featured articles

Here is a small selection of interesting articles from the net.

How to apply a site template to a SharePoint Site

You only have two choices (site types) when creating a site: a Communication site template and a Team site template. Once the site is created, you can customize it further by adding web parts, splitting pages into sections/columns, and adding images and color themes. But what if you are new to SharePoint or perhaps lack graphic design skills to make your site pretty?
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What is Keyword Query Language and how to use it in SharePoint Online

In one of my earlier posts, I explained how you could use Boolean Search Operators when searching for content in SharePoint. This allowed you to expand or limit results based on some simple operators like AND, OR, or NOT. That Boolean Query example is one of the basic concepts behind something called Keyword Query Language, also known as KQL.
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SharePoint Metadata | An Introduction

In this blog, we’ll show you how to organize your files through folder structure. We’ll also talk about the benefits of SharePoint metadata for organizing and locating our files easily compared to using folder hierarchy.
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That’s all folks, till next time.

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