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AxioWorks Newsletter November 2022: Is it almost Xmas already?

Hello Reader,

Welcome to the November issue of our monthly Newsletter!

Each month, we try our best to bring to you content that is relevant and beneficial for you. So, if you would like us to cover any specific SQList feature or if you want to learn more about any SharePoint feature then please do let us know.

What has AxioWorks been up to?

We worked very hard this month, heads down hitting those keyboards. Then we looked up and there is December, just around the corner! Where has 2022 gone?

We worked on Version 7.3 of SQList, which is in its final testing an will be released in about a week. Did you say you wanted to customise the type of those SQL columns? We listened…
We will notify you all once it is released, of course.

SQList Online gained its first users! We still limit it to small replications, being it so new we plan not to push it just yet, but it is ticking along very, very nicely!
Click here to read all about it and give it a try!

Our Sales and Marketing team has been getting in touch with as many of you as possible to gather your feedback on SQList, how you use it, what new features would you like, and getting to know you a little better. Thank you so very much for all your great feedbacks on both our product and customer support! It reinforces our belief that we really have a great product and makes us want to make ever better.

Focus blog entry: Future of SharePoint in the world of Power Platform

Microsoft SharePoint has been the driving force for enabling virtual team collaboration and the modern workspace revolution over the last three decades which was heavily facilitated by the capability to use SharePoint as a development platform and build a line of business applications thanks to the low-code/no-code development paradigm. However, there has been a recent shift when it comes to choosing the low code/no code development platform due to the resurgence of Power Platform which is now become a market leader.

Read all about it: Future of SharePoint in the world of Power Platform.

SQList 30-second feature: Configure SharePoint to SQL Server export settings

#SQList comes with a rich variety of settings you can configure so that the #SQLServer tables generates from your #SharePoint lists have the structure you need. Note that these settings are inherited and can be overridden at #SharePoint website as well at list level.

This video will show you how to configure these settings as well as how to reset them to their original value, for example when a change is no longer necessary.

Click this link for a short video.

Featured articles

Here is a small selection of interesting articles from the net.

How to use SharePoint – best practices, do’s and don’ts

For situations when users discover SharePoint as part of a Microsoft 365 Group or perhaps as sites created as part of Microsoft Teams. Quite often, they know it exists but do not know what to do with it and how to use it properly. So I thought in this article to summarize the best practices, do’s, and don’ts of how to use SharePoint.
Read more…

How Much Data Can You Load Into Power BI?

Power BI can handle large data volumes, but just how much data can you load into Power BI? Can Power BI handle big data? How big is “big” anyway?
Read more…

PnP Core SDK v1.8

A new minor version of the .NET PnP Core SDK (GitHub repo) has been released with new features to use in your cross-platform SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams projects.
Read more…

That’s all folks, till next time.

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